Friday, April 29, 2011

Todd... It is so hard to imagine that it all started just a little over a year ago with one too many shots of Belvedere... In that one short year you gave me a home, a family, and a bunch of friends who make me feel like I belong somewhere.
Sylvia Plath once said to her husband: 'We're not even two people. Even before we met, we were just these two halves, walking around with big gaping holes in the shape like the other person. And when we found each other we were finally whole.'
I vow to cherish every second of our life together.
I vow to be your most loyal friend and most passionate lover.
You are the love of my life. You are my whole world. And the best thing about today is that it's just the beginning.

moja połówka przysięgi małżeńskiej :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jeszcze tylko kupic kwiaty.
Jeszcze tylko fryzjer i makijaz.
Jeszcze tylko przygotowac toast i podszyc spodnie.

Jeszcze tylko poplakac chwile, ze mama, ze przyjaciele, ze Lodz i Polska tak daleko i...

I mozna zostawac zona.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Obudziłam się dzisiaj do słów 'I will have such a beautiful wife...'